By Sumaiya Farheen and Andrew Siyabalawatte, August 2023.
Do you ever find yourself forgetting where you put your keys or struggling to recall important information? You’re not alone! The Brain is powerful and memory is a fascinating aspect of our cognitive function. Fortunately, there are various ways to enhance it.

Scented Memories- The Power of Aromas
Have you ever caught a whiff of a particular scent and been instantly transported back to a cherished memory? The link between smell and memory is profound. Certain scents, like the invigorating aroma of rosemary, have been found to stimulate memory recall.

Aromas trigger the brain’s limbic system, which is responsible for emotions and memories. Experiment with scents you love—lavender, citrus, or even freshly baked cookies—and let the memories flood back.
The Top 10 Brain Foods
“The foods we eat, can have a big impact on our energy, the quality of our health and the function of our brain”
Just as your body needs fuel, your brain thrives on specific nutrients. Incorporating memory-enhancing foods into your diet can have a positive impact on cognitive function.

Consider these options-
1.Avocado – Monounsaturated fat, helps maintain blood flow
2. Blueberries – Antioxidant, protects the brain from stress and improves memory
3. Broccoli – Vitamin K, improves cognitive function and memory
4. Dark Chocolate – Less sugar, helps focus and concentration
5. Eggs – Provides memory-improving and brain-boosting choline
6. Green Leafy Vegetables – Vitamin E, reduces effects of brain aging
7. Salmon, Sardines, Caviar – Rich in Omega-3 and essential fatty acids
8. Turmeric – Reduces inflammation and improves the brain’s oxygen intake
9. Walnuts – Zinc and magnesium, improves mood, protects the brain
10 Water – Your brain is 80% water. Staying hydrated improves function. Fact!
Rosemary- Beyond its aromatic charm, rosemary contains compounds that boost memory and cognitive function. Incorporate it into your cooking or enjoy it as herbal tea.
Reduce Sugar Intake
Diet wise, the best thing you can do is control your sugar content. Eating too much sugar can affect the way we regulate our blood sugar and our gut health. Diets high in sugar have been linked to memory problems and Alzheimer’s.
Unlock Memory Potential with “MOM”
Motivation – Observation – Methods
Here’s an actionable strategy inspired by the MOM acronym created by Jim Kwik to enhance your memory-

Motivation- To improve memory , cultivate a genuine interest in what you’re trying to remember.
Observation- Pay close attention to details. Break information into smaller chunks and focus on understanding each part to enhance learning
Methods- Moonwalking with Einstein.” Memory techniques such as the memory palace or chunking can greatly enhance memory retention.
10 Ways To Boost Brain Power, Quick!
Stay Active – Regular physical activity, like a brisk walk at varying inclines, boosts body and mind.
Rest Well – Target 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night for mental clarity and vitality.
Relieve Stress – Try deep breathing (the 4-7-8 exercise), meditation, or yoga for resilience against stress.
Hydrate – Water is vital for every function. Stay hydrated all day. Aim for 2L daily.
Social Ties Boost Joy – Emotional well-being thrives on connections. Laugh regularly.
Stay Mindful – Manage thoughts, boost well-being.
Check Your Health – Regular check-ups monitor well-being.
Expand Your Mind – Read, learn, enjoy hobbies.
Dance and Listen To Music -Dance and music require coordination between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, and this activity is a full brain capacity mental workout. If you start playing music, you will feel palpable, and it will shift the brain to positivity. Remember, Albert Einstein used to play the violin and piano!
Mind and Body Harmony – The Spine And Brain Connection
The brain is often likened to a muscle, and just like muscles, it requires proper care. One surprising connection is the role of spinal alignment in memory and cognitive function. Chiropractic adjustments and good posture contribute to better blood flow to the brain, which enhances cognitive performance and memory recall.

By keeping your spine aligned, you’re creating an optimal environment for your brain to function at its best. A healthy spine supports a healthy mind.
Memory is a remarkable aspect of human cognition. With the right foods, mindful techniques, and a holistic approach to health, you can boost your memory and cognitive abilities.
Remember, a curious mind is a sharp mind. Keep exploring, keep learning, and keep those memories alive. Your brain will thank you for it!