By Sumaiya Farheen and Andrew Siyabalawatte, August 2023.
In the whirlwind of modern life, our habits silently shape our health and well-being. From nourishment to movement and rest, habits unlock vitality and balance in life. Join us as we delve into the extraordinary impact of habits on our health and wellness journey.
The Science Behind Habits and Health
At its core, a habit is a behavior that we repeat almost without thinking. In health and wellness, our daily choices-diet, activity, and sleep-spring from ingrained habits. According to research, it takes an average of 66 days to solidify a new habit. This means that with intention and persistence, we can sculpt our behaviors to promote better health.
Creating a Healthy Habit Loop

Picture this- you wake up and lace up your trainers (cue) for a morning jog (the craving). The response is the jog and the reward is the satisfying feeling when you finish. This cycle, also known as the “habit loop,” is a powerful tool for wellness. By selecting cues that trigger positive behaviors and associating them with rewarding outcomes, you can effortlessly shape your health routine.
Small Wins, Lead To Big Things

Choose water over a juice filled with sugar upon waking, or opt for stairs on your way up to your office, not the elevator. These little changes, done consistently, adds up over time, resulting in true gains like weight loss, boosted energy, and better well-being.”
The integration of routines and habits into our lives can have a profound impact on our well-being. For instance, establishing a consistent exercise routine not only enhances physical fitness but also improves mental well-being and boosts energy levels.
The Strength of Consistency

Adopting new, healthier habits may protect you from serious health problems like obesity and diabetes. New habits, like healthy eating and regular physical activity, may also help you manage your weight and have more energy. After a while, if you stick with these changes, they may become part of your daily routine
The key to harnessing the power of habit is consistency. The body flourishes with routines that foster balance, strength, and flexibility. By dedicating yourself daily to cultivating good habits, you expedite healing and take charge of your health journey.
5 Important Habits To Improve Your Health And Your Life
1) Eat At The Right Time
Eating late, like when getting home after a long day will naturally tempt you into seeing what is in the fridge as you look for some late night indulgence, but this could lead to you feeling exhausted the next day.
Also consuming a heavy meal too close to bedtime can be disruptive for digestive systems, causing indigestion and even heartburn, making you too uncomfortable to fall asleep.
Ensure your evening meal is consumed way before 8pm to avoid any digestive upset.
If you are find avoiding indulging difficult, a useful time is to brush your teeth when the urge comes. After all who can be bothered to brush their teeth twice at night?
Eating at the right time will create a more stable energy source, as your metabolism will be engaged at optimal levels all day long. The goal is to eat one of the following foods from the next step every 3 to 4 hours in order to keep your blood sugar consistent and for your stomach to optimally digest.
2) Eat Healthy
The habit of eating healthy food will help you to maintain good and disease-free health. Your regular diet should include different fruits, green leafy vegetables, sprouts, pulses, meat, poultry food, and seafood. Your diet should be high in protein, fibers, vitamins, minerals, and low in carbohydrates and calories.
“The Brain is Around 80% Water”

Dehydration can cause brain fog, fatigue, slower reactions and thinking speeds. Every bodily function depends on water. Fact!
3) Take Supplements (Vitamins, Minerals, Antioxidants)
VITAMIN B – shown to improve nerve function and reduces fatigue.
CURCUMIN – Found in Turmeric, curcumin helps in the management of oxidative and inflammatory conditions, metabolic syndrome, arthritis, stress and anxiety
VITAMIN D – helps to increase intestinal absorption of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate, essential for building bone. Studies also show that vitamin D can reduce cancer cell growth, help control infections and reduce inflammation.
Key supplements like good quality Omega-3 rich fats (which our body does not produce) that contain Phospholipid DHA/EPA (fish) or for vegans – a plant based superfood – marine phytoplankton, which the fish gets its omega 3 from.
Our brain uses omega 3 to create healthy cell membranes. this is important as our cell membranes form all the receptors involved in mood, executive functioning, attention and memory.
4) Get Good Sleep
For your brain to work at optimal levels it needs a good night’s sleep. Over 95% of adults need 7-9 hours of sleep to avoid sleep deficiency.
Compromising on sleep-even for a few hours-may affect memory, problem solving abilities, creativity, and thinking skills.
Try and go to bed 1 hour before you usually go. If you find that difficult, It will help to switch of all lights / mobile phones at least 1 hour before bed. This will definitely get you into bed earlier than normal.
5) Physical Exercise
Physical exercise helps your brain stay strong. It raises oxygen levels in your brain and decreases the risk for disorders that lead to memory loss, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Aerobic exercises also aids in reducing stress hormones.
If you are not sure that counts as aerobic exercise, it is something you do that makes you feel somewhat breathless. Try walking up and down your stairs 10 times quicker than your normal pace.
Other aerobic exercises can include swimming, dancing, yoga and pilates.
“Just 10 mins of Exercise Daily, Slows Down The Effects Of Aging”
The body thrives on movement. Keeping your body in movement can keep your bones and muscles strong. Regular exercise is one of the best and easiest way to keep fit. Regular exercise can help to maintain weight, strengthen your bone and muscles, reduce the risk of getting diabetes, heart problems, and stroke.

Finally please put into practice all the advice and key tips from this blog, along with regular monthly maintenance check ups with your osteopath and massage therapist (which are proven ways to help improve mood and energy – hint hint).
Follow all the above and you will experience a life full of good habits, energy, balance & happiness.
p.s. for some of the valuable content shared in this blog, I must credit Jim Kwik , the brain coach and author of the book limitless and Charles Duhigg, the author of the power of habit.