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3 Sure Ways To Lose Weight And Maintain It Easily

Eat less carbs, lift weights and keep moving, right?

By Andrew Siyabalawatte, Nov 2023.

Lose weight successful with our quick and easy tips

Losing weight and maintaining it is not a one-size-fits-all approach. With mindful eating, regular exercise, and sufficient rest, achieving your weight loss goals and maintaining them becomes easily attainable.

These three components—comprehensive, long-term weight management approach that promotes general well-being and success—are all you need for losing weight and maintaining it easily.

Though all the things that take priority in life, requires energy. Question, have you ever felt just too drained to meet the demands of in life? if so, it may ultimately boil down to one or more of the above not being quite right.

Mindful Eating

Image of a variety of colorful fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins arranged on a plate, showcasing a balanced and healthy meal to Lose Weight


Simple sugars are already broken down, eliminating the need for further digestion. They serve as an immediate source of energy for the body. Any excess sugar is stored as fat.

Following the depletion of sugar, the body begins to break down fat. This process is triggered by leptin, a hormone that regulates long-term weight, signaling the body to utilize fat for energy.


Because proteins are complex, the body takes longer to break them down. It can take between 2-4 hours to digest proteins. Sure Ways To Lose Weight Proteins are a much slower and long lasting source of energy.

All three nutrients have their benefits, and it’s up to you how and where to incorporate them into your diet. Pay attention to the foods you chose, the internal and external physical effects, and your responses to them. This is mindful eating.

3 sure ways to lose weight and maintain it easily with Regular Exercise

Image of a group of elderly individuals exercising in a park or gym with a fitness instructor, demonstrating the importance of regular physical activity for older adults Sure Ways To Lose Weight.

Any exercise that requires exerting the body with movement, and increasing the heart rate is worthwhile exercise. Physical activity increases the number of calories your body uses for energy, therefore, if less calories are consumed, a calories deficit can occur, which can help with losing weight over time.

Figure out what is easier or more practical for you, whether it be working out to burn calories or consuming less calories. If possible, maybe try and meet in the middle and 3 sure ways to lose weight and maintain it easily.

Steady State Cardio

Image of a group of people swimming laps in a pool, illustrating steady cardiovascular exercise.

Running, cycling, swimming and brisk walking, are examples of this type of activity. Steady state cardio is any activity that involves low-intensity exercise for longer periods, typically 45 to 60 minutes.

These exercises optimise fat burn by keeping the heart rate at an ideal fat-burning level, usually around 135 to 145 beats per minute. At this intensity, Fat contributes 50 percent or more of the fuel that muscles need to sustain this exercise.

3 sure ways to lose weight and Time Your Carbs

Image of a clock with a plate of carbohydrates, indicating the importance of timing carbohydrate intake.

Eating too many carbohydrates too often is a problem. If you plan to eat carbs such as breads, pastas, cereals, rice, cakes, sweets, sugar, anything grain/flour based, be sure to only eat them in the meal a few hours before or directly after intense exercise. Your muscles will be much more sensitive to the insulin produced and will soak up the carbs rather than the body storing it as fat.

“Keep in mind, to function, the body does not need huge amounts of sugar or fat”

Try to eat protein a few hours before a workout instead or sugar (carbs) or fat and ways to lose weight. This will activate muscle rebuilding during and following the workout and naturally reduce or deplete the sugar storage (glycogen stores) in our body.

Following this method and working out regularly over time can help with losing weight as the body focuses on metabolising fat for energy.

Combine this approach with exercise and weight loss results will compound significantly.

The Powerhouse Omega-3

Image of various foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, walnuts, and chia seeds, highlighting their nutritional value.

The association between the intake of Omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish oil) and insulin sensitivity is so strong that some suggest taking fish oil rivals the effects of exercise on blood sugar levels and Sure Ways To Lose Weight.

Rest and Digest

Image of a person lying down, relaxing, with a plate of food beside them, symbolizing the rest and digest process.

Learning how to “unplug” in a busy world is hard. Though as far as losing weight is concerned, sleep and rest it is vital to Lose Weight. Research suggest that less sleep can increase appetite. This is because sleep plays an important role in regulating hormones, including those that control hunger and appetite.

Rest allows muscles to rebuild and grow. And when you have more muscle, you’ll burn more calories at rest. If you’re constantly switching between workouts without taking enough rest because you’re afraid you won’t lose weight, you may not realize the benefits that rest can bring.

Trust your body, because if you feel refreshed, you’ll be more likely to stick to your exercise routine and significantly reduce the risk to you of burnout.

These 3 sure ways to lose weight will surely help you achieve your weight loss goals as well as help you maintain it. Regular practice will help you succeed in every goal you set now and in the future.

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