By Andrew Siyabalawatte, Oct 2022
Gradual, accumulative, and never spontaneous, arthritis resembles the immune system’s protective role against infection and disease. It serves as the body’s natural joint repair system, aiming to ‘replace’ what it perceives as lacking.
How does it Begin?
Arthritis, often not genetically predisposed, can result from prolonged pressure on joints. This exposure over time, will naturally predispose the development of Arthritis. Correct care and attention can help prevent it.
Symptoms of Rhematoid arthritis
This can make it challenging to engage in daily activities and maintain a good quality of life.
Other symptoms may include fatigue, fever, and weight loss. If you suspect you have rheumatoid arthritis, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
As the body tries to protect itself, it builds a support system which involves recruiting soft tissue (ligaments and muscles) to manage and protect the joints by reducing movement.
The Difference Between Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
In Osteoarthritis, the joint cartilage is the first affected, then the following can happen –
- Tiny bits of extra bone, called osteophytes, can grow at the ends of a bone within a joint.
- There can be an increase in the amount of thick fluid inside the joint.
- The joint capsule can stretch, and the joint may lose its shape.
Rheumatoid Arthritis, unlike Osteoarthritis is inflammatory and can onset abruptly. This inflammation causes joint destruction and is known as an “auto-immune” response.
Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis include:
- swollen and tender joints in the hands and feet
- severe tiredness, also called fatigue
- a general feeling of being unwell
Arthritis in the Neck
The joints in the neck are the most versatile and most mobile in the whole spine, meaning that these joints are less susceptible to developing arthritis than the rest of the spine. It’s ability to distribute the weight of the head evenly through these joints is one of its many skills.
Arthritis in the Back
The lower back joints are more prone to arthritis because they simply move less than the neck. . They sacrifice mobility for better stability as the final weight-bearing segments in the spine.
Arthritic Knee Brace Support
The Mueller Hg80 knee Brace is ideal to provide support for stiff, weak or painful knees, along with support for both, the Medial and Lateral Collateral ligaments, and cartilage (Meniscus) as well as arthritic problems.
I personally use this brace to play football, so its a high recommendation to help provide those that need a supportive brace for an arthritic knee. It’s lightweight, comfortable and breathable. It will definitely put your mind and most importantly, your knee at ease.
Here at Back To Health Wellness, we also offer several treatments to help our clients manage Arthritis and the pain associated with it.
Osteopathy is a drug-free, non-invasive manual therapy that aims to restore the natural movement, limited by Arthritis.
Massage helps relieve pain and eases the muscle stiffness associated with Arthritis by improving circulation, helping to reduce inflammation. This translates to enhanced blood flow to arthritic joints, improved movement, and reduced pain. Read more about how massage can help Arthritis pain by clicking here
Low Level laser Therapy is a painless, effective and clinically proven treatment for pain and tissue repair. Recent studies have well documented its effectiveness in managing pain in Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis patients.
Spinal Correction
We use research and a combination of Chiropractic methods, Osteopathy and massage treatments with specific spinal stretching and strengthening exercises to help our clients retrain their spine into a stronger and more supportive position. This clinically proven approach can provide lasting pain relief and improve posture permanently.
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